Ritz, Katherine

Birth Name Ritz, Katherine
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Ritz, John L9/7/181711/30/1891
Mother Maier, Johanna1/11/18278/22/1888
    Sister     Ritz, Amelia Johanna 10/23/1868 4/19/1941
         Ritz, Katherine
    Sister     Ritz, Matilda
    Sister     Ritz, George
    Sister     Ritz, John
    Sister     Ritz, Pauline
    Brother     Ritz, Frank
    Sister     Ritz, Elizabeth
    Brother     Ritz, Charles
    Brother     Ritz, Albert 1/18/1872 3/17/1932


Family of Diemer and Ritz, Katherine

Unknown Partner Diemer ( * + ... )